The Last Supper
This original musical drama portrays a modern Jewish family celebrating the Passover Seder and Jesus keeping Passover with his disciples using song, dance and the spoken word. You will learn the meaning behind the elements of the Passover and how they prophetically point to Jesus while gaining a deeper understanding of the Christian celebration of communion.
His Story
Join Jesus as he performs many miracles by the sea of Galilee, teaches from the Sermon on the Mount, meets with Nicodemus, enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, suffers the crucifixion and triumphs in His Resurrection.
This original biblical drama portrays four groups of Parables that Jesus used to teach important life principals to his disciples. Enjoy the stories and songs shared by Jesus and his two disciples, Andrew and Naomi.
The Fisherman and the Pharisee
This original biblical drama portrays highlights in the lives of Peter and Paul. Listen and learn, along with Cecilia, the gentile tavern owner, as they each share from their hearts about their personal experiences as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This production was created to honor the great reformer on the 500th anniversary of the posting of the 95 Thesis in 1517. The cast of characters includes Martin Luther, his parents: Hans and Margarethe, Johann Tetzel, the Chancellor at the Diet of Worms, and members of Luther's reformed congregation.
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